Prospective participants have three options to determine income eligibility. Please review the options below and the type of documentation or information needed to determine income eligibility.

Option 1a: Household proof of enrollment in an income-eligible program

Documentation from Option 1a provides income eligibility information for the whole household. Additional type of documentation is not needed for other members of the household. For Option 1a, please upload the same documentation for each member in the ILSFA Income Eligibility Intake Form on page 3.  View the list of income-eligible programs.

Option 1b: Medicaid

A copy of the benefit letter from Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services or the Illinois Human Department of Services or a copy of Medical Card. Because this is an individual benefit, members of the household must provide additional documentation of income-eligibility. Members of the household can use Option 2 or Option 3 if documentation from Option 1a is not available.

Additional requirements for Option 1a and Option 1b

Documentation must be issued by the program and include the program name, recipient name and address, and date issued.

Any sensitive personal information must be covered or concealed before submitting. Physically covering information with a piece of paper, on a copy of the document is an example of how to conceal information. Do not alter your original documents.

Examples of sensitive personal information include social security number, driver’s license number, taxpayer ID number, patient ID number, financial account number, or credit card numbers.  Documentation sent with visible sensitive personal information will be immediately deleted or destroyed to protect your privacy and a corrected copy will be requested.

You may upload your documentation on the form or mail them to:
Elevate – Illinois Solar for All
322 S Green St., Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60607

Do NOT mail original copies.

Option 2: Income verification through a credit reporting agency

Income verification can be determined by providing the Program Administrator with basic personal information such as name, full DOB, and address for each adult household member. This information will be entered in a credit reporting agency’s secure portal. In some circumstances it may require providing your social security number. The credit reporting agency will provide your income history for the last 12 months to the Program Administrator. Option 2 does not require any documents to be uploaded or mailed to the Program Administrator. If you select this option, you will receive an email from the Program Administrator with instructions to collect your personal information.

This option will not affect your credit score.

Option 3: Income Affidavit

This option is to be used when income documentation is required but not available. This affidavit is for adult household members that have cash income, no income, or income that is not otherwise documented on paystubs, statements, letters, etc.

The Income Affidavit can only be used in limited circumstances and cannot be used if you are able to utilize Option 1a, Option 1b, or Option 2.