Why grassroots education?

Local community organizations understand the needs, motivations, and challenges of their communities. This is especially true when talking about energy, jobs, and the environment. The Program Administrator will work with organizations across the state to build strategic campaigns to engage hard-to-reach communities. The grassroots education campaigns will reach across geographies and communities in Illinois to build awareness of Illinois Solar for All.

Current grassroots education campaigns

Illinois Solar for All is for all of Illinois. Organizations who will implement campaigns work in urban, suburban, and rural areas across Illinois. Selected organizations have trusted relationships with the communities they serve and a proven ability to engage stakeholders through organized events, education, and outreach efforts. They also understand issues related to the program, such as energy and the environment, workforce development, and community organizing.

We are excited to support the following organizations in their implementation of campaigns to drive participation in Illinois Solar for All and ensure that the benefits of the program reach low-income and environmental justice communities across the state.

  • C.E.F.S. Economic and Opportunity Corporation
  • Chicago Bungalow Association
  • Chicago Jobs Council
  • Community Organizing and Family Issues
  • Ecology Action Center
  • Embarras River Basin Agency
  • Faith in Place
  • People for Community Recovery
  • Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization
  • Prairie Rivers Network
  • Sustain Rockford

These organizations will be conducting outreach campaigns across Illinois, with most organizations focusing their work in environmental justice communities. Their role is to educate Illinois residents on the basics of solar and the benefits available through the Illinois Solar for All program. These grassroots education organizations are trusted members of their communities, and they will utilize various outreach methods such as canvassing, open houses, and workshops to make residents aware of the program and how they can participate in it.

Becoming a grassroots educator

This first round of grassroots education campaigns is only the beginning. Organizations interested in implementing an Illinois Solar for All grassroots education campaign will have the opportunity to submit a proposal during subsequent open request for proposal periods. Future funding opportunities are expected to be announced in the fall of 2019. Signing up for program updates is the best way to stay informed of future rounds of funding. You can sign up here or reach out to grassroots@illinoissfa.com for additional information.

2019 Grassroots Education Request for Proposals

Directory of grassroots education organizations

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