Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) requests stakeholder feedback on proposed Environmental Justice Self-Designation process revisions. The proposed updates provide more clarity, examples, scoring considerations for previously designated environmental justice communities, and resources to help submitters better understand the process and how to create a strong application.

The Request for Comments document provides specific questions to facilitate feedback on the proposed changes. Responses will be made public and published on the ILSFA website. Commenters should not feel the need to answer all the questions. However, should a commenter seek to designate any portion of its response as confidential, that commenter should provide both public and redacted versions. Independent of that designation, if the ILSFA Program Administrator determines that a response contains confidential information that should not be disclosed, it reserves the right to provide its own redactions.

Responses are due by Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 5 p.m. CT and should be sent to

The summary of changes and the proposed redline of the Environmental Justice Community Self-Designation Process document are available to view.